According to the reports of CNET, recently released a video on Vimeo attracted all the netizens, the video of “hero” is a new installation art, created by German artist, SaKeWei Bates (Leigh Sachwitz), to experience the shock of the storm through the use of light and shadow.


The work is called “from the inside out” (Insideout). it has been displayed on the ” three years burgers photography exhibition” Last month. it’s body is a transparent house, the roof and metope is embedded with the LED lights. Through interactive display 360 degrees inside the glass house for visitors to the shows before and after the storm.


It is understood that the work of the audio was created by musicians Andy Toma (Andi Toma), he is the electronic band “Mars rat” founding member.

Based on the description, this glass house represents a safe haven to protect people from natural disasters. During the led exhibition, visitors can sit in the transparent room experience made yuhua district landed on the roof of audio effect, then quickly escalated into a thunder storm, heavy rain pouring, the last is fine, the sight intoxicating.

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