002LED Chip Characteristics

Voltage: LED chip use low voltage power supply between 2-4 V, and varies according to the product, so it is more safety than using high voltage power supply, especially suitable for public places.

Current: working current is 0-15 mA, brightness is increased as the current variable

Efficiency: compared with incandescent lamp lighting energy consumption reduced by 80%.

Applicability: small, each unit of LED is 3 to 5 mm square dice, so can be prepared into various shapes of the device, and is suitable for variable environment.

Stability: 100000 hours, Light decay for 50% of the original.

Response time: incandescent lamps response time in millisecond, LED lights response time in nanoseconds.

to the environment: no harmful metal mercury pollution.

Color: change current can change color, LED conveniently by the methods of chemical modification, adjust the band structure and band gap, red yellow green blue orange polychromatic light. Such as small current when the red LED, with the increase of current, can turn into orange, yellow, and finally for the green.

Price: the cost of the LED chip corresponding to expensive for traditional new light source, compared to incandescent lamp, dozens of the price of white LED can only with the price of an incandescent lamp, and usually lights in each group should be composed of 300 ~ 500 on diode.

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